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Super glue 502 Gam Glue Fast Dry 3 Second Gum Cair Waterly Type Glue (Not Gel Type)
Super glue 502 Gam Glue Fast Dry 3 Second Gum Cair Waterly Type Glue (Not Gel Type)
Super glue 502 Gam Glue Fast Dry 3 Second Gum Cair Waterly Type Glue (Not Gel Type)
Super glue 502 Gam Glue Fast Dry 3 Second Gum Cair Waterly Type Glue (Not Gel Type)


Super glue 502 Gam Glue Fast Dry 3 Second Gum Cair Waterly Type Glue (Not Gel Type)

Quantity: In Stock

** Please Read All The Description First Before Make Order / Sila baca arahan dulu / 请阅读所有货品详情后才下单 **


 100% Brand New Item 

 Used for metals, plastics, leather, rubber, woods and etc


*   should be used with good ventilation

*   Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

*   Keep out of reach of children

*   cover the cap after use, store in a cool and dry place

*.  If glue sticks to your hand or skin, please wash and clean it with alcohol

*   Watery glue

*   Not suitable use on Polyethylene material product.


*   This glue just for quick usage, not suitable for storage.

*   We are not accept refund / return / replace (3 days after received for West Malaysia Only) 

*   Not recommend to buyer Labuan, Sabah & Sarawak (because transportation time too long)

*   We are not accept any refund / return / replace for area East Malaysia.


Sila Beri Perhatian

* Gam ini ialah gam yang cair (bukan gel) dan cepat kering. 

* Gam ini sesuai untuk guna cepat. 

* Gam ini TIDAK sesuai untuk simpan.

* Sila simpan gam ini dalam tempat sejuk dan kering.

* Tempoh masa simpan: 1 bulan 

* Kita TIDAK menerima bayaran balik atau tukar (selepas dapat 3 hari)

* Pembeli Labuan, Sabah & Sarawak sila beri perhatian tentang masa pengangkutan yang panjang akan menyebabkan gam ini cepat jadi keras. 

* Kita tidak menerima REFUND dan RETURN kepada area East Malaysia. 


* 此货品属于水状快干胶水,不适合用于储存。

* 储存期限:1 个月 (请放在凉爽和干燥的地方)

* 我们不接受任何退款,更换,退货 (收货3天后) 

* Labuan, Sabah & Sarawak 的买家请慎拍,因为运输时间太长, 运输期间环境可能会造成胶水更快硬固的问题。 

* 我们一律不接受东马地区任何退货和退款.


 Inquiry - Super glue 502 Gam Glue Fast Dry 3 Second Gum Cair Waterly Type Glue (Not Gel Type)